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A private school for pre-k through 8th grade | Decatur, GA
APOGEE – Georgia Private School Tax Credit
Through Hess Academy’s partnership with Apogee Scholarship Fund, you can REDIRECT, at no cost, Georgia income tax dollars to Hess Academy. This year, only $58 million of tax credits will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. There has been a dramatic jump in Georgia taxpayers taking advantage of this program as it has gained momentum and it is expected that the 2016 $58 million cap will be exhausted in just two weeks!
What is Apogee Scholarship Fund?
Apogee Scholarship Fund is a state registered SSO (Student Scholarship Organization) as well as a 501c3 non-profit organization whose primary functions are to facilitate the process of distributing tax credits in exchange for contributions and to disburse those funds for private school tuition scholarships.
How does it work?
To participate in this program, you must pre-pay your taxes (or a portion of your taxes) through a contribution to Apogee Scholarship Fund. When you make a contribution to Apogee Scholarship Fund, you will receive a dollar- for-dollar GA tax credit which comes to you in the mail as a voucher for the amount of your contribution. This opportunity is open to anyone who has Georgia tax liability (i.e. grandparents, family, friends, etc).
Is there a limit of how much I can give each year?
Yes, the amount you give is limited by your tax filing status:
Individual Filer: Maximum of $1,000
Married Filing Jointly: Maximum of $2,500
Married Filing Separately: Maximum of $1,250
Individuals who receive pass-through income can contribute up to $10,000
C-Corportation: Up to 75% of GA tax liability
Who qualifies to receive the scholarship?
Parents or guardians interested in applying for ASA tuition assistance should contact the school. The state of Georgia has defined parameters as to whom is eligible to receive tuition assistance through this program:
Children eligible to enroll in a GA qualified (public) school Pre-K, Kindergarten, or 1st grade.
Students who are currently enrolled at GA public school. Apogee policy requires that a student must have attended at least 45 days of public school in order to be considered eligible.
Home School students, KIPP School students, Charter School students
Paper Process: Complete forms to pre-apply for 2016 (here) and then mail, fax, or email your completed and signed forms to Apogee.
Apogee Scholarship Fund
3330 Cumberland Blvd., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30339
Fax (404) 419-7101
For additional filing instructions, please visit www.apogee123.org or contact our ASF representative, John Panessa at (404) 419-7123 or at jpanessa@apogee360.com.