During the summer months I spend a great deal of time with my three children, ages 2, 4, and 7, and thinking about parenting. About a week ago I was at the bookstore with them — an attempt to get out and about during a 10-day long stretch full of rain, rain, and more rain. As I chased my two year old around the organized displays, cleaning up not nearly as quickly as she dropped and destroyed, I was feeling extremely ill equipped to parent. Then I came across this quote:
My frustration dissipated, and a smile spread across my face. That quote is the sum of it all, the reason I parent. It is the most challenging and gratifying job I have ever done. I remember asking my mom during her moments of frustration why she wanted to be a parent if it was so difficult. She always answered the same way, “Being a parent is the most amazing thing I have done in my life. I would not trade it for the world. Although, at times being a parent, a wife, and having my work means my life is too full, without these things my life would have been too empty, and not nearly as spectacular.” Once again, my mother was right. Being a parent is truly part of who I am, and one of the most brilliant parts of it.